Wednesday, 4 November 2009


I would like to introduce you to my Kerry Blue bitch - Scuffle - whose picture I first saw on the Battersea Dogs Home website about three years ago when she was a little over one year old.
I plan to post more and better photos of Scuffle who remains the enthusiast she was when I first saw her in the flesh, dragging he minder out of one of Battersea's doors to get to the fresh air and have some fun.
Even now as I write (and we're very much indoors) she is dropping a tennis ball at my feet, clearly hoping I'll throw it or kick it. And not any old tennis ball, you understand, this is one actually played with at this year's Wimbledon Championships (they sell them off cheap after using them for nine games or so).
Anyway, Scuffle lights up the world and seems to make fans wherever she goes even among that sad group of peole who don't like friendly dogs. And it seems she'd had a couple of owners like that before she came to settle down with me. The first couple who owned her split up and chose to keep the children and send the dog (then called Peggy) into Battersea (go figure). The second owners decided after three weeks or so, she was 'uncontrollable on the lead'. I must say I felt that last comment to be unlikely but given my size and weight I felt I could hang on to Scuffle if any strange happened (and nothing ever does).
Anyway, thank goodness she came to us.

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